10 Tips to Write SEO Friendly Blog Post | Technical EJ - Latest Technology News

Wednesday 13 July 2022

10 Tips to Write SEO Friendly Blog Post

  Ekansh Jain       Wednesday 13 July 2022

If you are a beginner-level blogger then you need to know about the effective techniques to create quality content for your articles.

Or else, you will never be able to rank your blog posts higher on the search engine result pages.

Don’t worry as we have dedicated this article to providing you with quick insights about the tips that you can implement to write SEO-friendly blogs with ease. So, stay with us and find your way to success.

1. Choose the Right Keywords

Choosing the right keywords for your blog post is an important part of SEO strategy.

Undoubtedly, 50% of your blog articles would quickly rank higher if you choose the right keywords for your content. In order to choose the right keywords, you should check the following stats:


If you are writing a blog post on a keyword that doesn’t show blogs on the first page of SERPs then you are literally wasting your efforts.

For example, “Best Plagiarism Checker” will show more relevant results to the users rather than “Plagiarism Checker”.

    SEO Difficulty

We can use the SEO difficulty of keywords to determine how much effort we are required to put into creating content around a focused keyword. It is better to write on keywords with less difficulty unless or until you are professional in the respective field or you are able to do off-page SEO as well.


We believe that it will be a waste of time if you are writing on z topic which people don’t usually search or follow. That is why it is preferred to write on topics and keywords which have high a search volume and users want to know about them.

2. Structure Your Content Using Header Tags

Before starting a blog post, you should know what you are writing about. If you know what you will be writing about, making the structure of your content will be easier. You can mention the HTML tags such as <H1>, <H2>, or others, according to structure and heading in the content.

It gets even easier if you use WordPress since you just need to select the text and choose what tag headings you want on it.

3. Optimize Metadata

Meta Tags play an important role in helping both the search engine and the users to understand your content intent.

To optimize the meta title, you should add the focus keyword in the beginning. Moreover, you can add a number if it’s a listicle article. Furthermore, you can use emotional and persuasive words to leave a psychological effect on the users. Ultimately, it will help you to get more click-throughs.

Keep in mind that an ideal title length is 60 to 70 characters.

On the other hand, about the meta description, can add a question or statement in the beginning, to make your users curious about it. You shouldn’t forget that you have to complete it in less than 160 characters.

4. Add Image ALT Tags

Images alt tags don’t help in ranking the content on SERPs but what it does is rank the image in the images section of the search engine. Moreover, according to the stats from Google, 63% of users find new websites through image searches.

5. Optimize Your URLs

URL plays an important role in the ranking of webpage/blog posts. To optimize the URL, you should make it simple and keyword-enriched to be clearly understood by both users and search engines. You should avoid including articles, numerals, dates, or parameters in your URLs.

The Default URL may look like: ”/2022-12-12/SEO/step-by-step-process-to-write-seo-freindly-article 

You can optimize it as follows: /SEO-Friendly-blog-post

If you change a URL, then don’t forget to add 301 redirections. It will help you to preserve your ranking.

6. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

The search engine looks for keywords in your content to rank it on them. This means that it is important to use keywords in your content. However, you shouldn’t overuse the keywords and stuff them in your content, unnecessarily.

Take into account that the keyword density should be around 2% - 3%. The best way to include keywords in your content is to scatter your keywords throughout the content. Firstly, you should add your focus keywords in the first paragraph of your blog post. Afterward, you should use your keywords, or at least their synonyms (LSI keywords) after every 150 words.

7. Add Links where it’s Necessary

Search engines promote the content which has reference links, promotional links, or citations, as it confirms that the content you have provided is legit and the information you provided is authentic.

Anyhow, while linking you have to keep in mind that you shouldn’t add a link that is unnecessary or irrelevant to the content. Moreover, linking out to the sites that display illegal content can severely harm your blog.

8. Create Quality Content

The quality of content has a significant influence on SEO-friendly content. In order to create high-quality blog posts, you have to optimize the following elements:


A blog post should be more than 1000 words long, but the content length doesn’t really matter if you have completely covered the given topic. Anyhow, keep in mind that the content shouldn’t be very short as it can increase your site’s bounce rate.


When it comes to writing quality content, you must have the right information; you can't just write anything; all you write should be legit, accurate, and authentic. You need to make sure that whatever you are publishing on your site is reliable and trustworthy.


For sure, neither search engines nor users like duplicate content. It is sometimes difficult to write the same information in your blog which has been written several times. In such a case, you can use plagiarismremover.net to make it unique.


The content should remain on the same topic while you write about it. For instance, if you started writing a blog about how to write SEO-friendly content, but then you switch to backlinking - it will make your content irrelevant. Moreover, you need to use the right and relevant keywords in your content to ensure relevancy by all means.

9. Use Media in Content

Once you have completed the blog post, it is better to add some visuals and graphics such as pictures, videos, and GIFs to make it more appealing for the users. As a result, users will be more likely to stay engaged with the content and understand it better.

10. Audit Your Content

Once you are done writing, you should audit your content prior to publishing. You should check if there is any grammar or spelling mistake, or if there are any unclear sentences. Moreover, you should also check plagiarism by using copyscape.com once to make sure that it is unique and avoid de-ranking of content. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Some frequently asked questions about blogging and SEO are as follows:

1.   What are the types of SEO?

SEO can be broadly classified into two types; 1) On-page SEO and 2) Off-page SEO.

On-page SEO refers to all the things you have to do on your website and pages to optimize them for SEO. This involves things like writing keyword-optimized content, adding metadata and so on.

Off-page SEO refers to all the actions you take outside of your website, such as guest posting, email outreach, etc., to increase your ranking in the SERPs.

2.     Can I do my own SEO?

Yes, it is entirely possible that you can do the SEO of your site by yourself. However, it is recommended that you hire SEO experts to do it for you. 

3.      What happens if I don’t do SEO?

If you do not do SEO of your sites and blogs, then they will not show up very high in the search engine results page. This will make them harder to find and you will lose a lot of traffic.


These were 10 steps to write SEO friendly blog posts. By following these tips, you can make sure that your content is showing up high in the SERPs. 

By writing quality-content, linking sources, adding images, optimizing your technical aspects of SEO and finally auditing your content you will be able to rank higher than before. In time, you will eventually reach the first page of the SERPs.


Thanks for reading 10 Tips to Write SEO Friendly Blog Post

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